Ins 3.39(30t)(s)5. 5. Coverage for 75% of the Medicare Part A inpatient hospital deductible amount per benefit period until the out-of-pocket limitation as described in subd. 12. is met.
Ins 3.39(30t)(s)6. 6. Coverage for 75% of the coinsurance or copayment amount for each day used from the 21st day through the 100th day in a Medicare benefit period for post-hospital skilled nursing facility care eligible under Medicare Part A until the out-of-pocket limitation as described in subd. 12. is met.
Ins 3.39(30t)(s)7. 7. Coverage for 75% of cost sharing for all Medicare Part A eligible expenses and respite care until the out-of-pocket limitation as described in subd. 12. is met.
Ins 3.39(30t)(s)8. 8. Coverage for 75%, under Medicare Part A or B, of the reasonable cost of the first 3 pints of blood, or equivalent quantities of packed red blood cells, as defined under federal regulations, unless replaced in accordance with federal regulations until the out-of-pocket limitation as described in subd. 12. is met.
Ins 3.39(30t)(s)9. 9. Except for coverage provided in subd. 11., coverage for 75% of the cost sharing otherwise applicable under Medicare Part B, except there shall be no coverage for the Medicare Part B deductible until the out-of-pocket limitation as described in subd. 12. is met.
Ins 3.39(30t)(s)10. 10. Coverage for 100% of the cost sharing for the benefits described in sub. (5t) (d) 1., 6., 7., 9., 14., 16., and 17. and (e) 3., to the extent the benefits do not duplicate benefits paid by Medicare and after the policyholder or certificateholder pays the Medicare Part A and B deductible and the out-of-pocket limitation described in subd. 12. is met.
Ins 3.39(30t)(s)11. 11. Coverage for 100% of the cost sharing for Medicare Part B preventive services after the policyholder or certificateholder pays the Medicare Part B deductible.
Ins 3.39(30t)(s)12. 12. Coverage for 100% of all cost sharing under Medicare Parts A and B for the balance of the calendar year after the individual has reached the out-of-pocket limitation on annual expenditures under Medicare Parts A and B, indexed each year by the appropriate inflation adjustment specified by the secretary.
Ins 3.39(30t)(t) (t) A Medicare select policy or certificate may include permissible additional coverage as described in sub. (5t) (e) 2., 4., and 6. These riders, if offered, shall be added to the policy or certificate as separate riders or amendments and shall be priced separately and available for purchase separately.
Ins 3.39(30t)(u) (u) Issuers writing Medicare select policies or certificates shall additionally comply with subchs. I and III of ch. Ins 9.
Ins 3.39(31) (31) Refund or credit calculation.
Ins 3.39(31)(a) (a) Every issuer providing individual or group Medicare supplement policies or certificates and every issuer providing individual or group Medicare select policies or certificates shall collect and file the following information with the commissioner. The data must be provided on a form made available by the commissioner. Issuers shall submit the following information in the manner compliant with the commissioner's instructions on or before May 31 of each year:
Ins 3.39(31)(a)1. 1. The actual experience loss ratio of incurred claims to earned premium net of refunds.
Ins 3.39(31)(a)2. 2. A credibility adjustment based on a creditability factor.
Ins 3.39(31)(a)3. 3. A comparison to the benchmark loss ratio that is a cumulative incurred claims divided by the cumulative earned premiums to date.
Ins 3.39(31)(a)4. 4. A calculation of the amount of refund or premium credit, if any.
Ins 3.39(31)(a)5. 5. A certification that the refund calculation is accurate.
Ins 3.39(31)(b)1.1. For policies or certificates issued between December 31, 1980, and January 1, 1992, issuers shall combine the Wisconsin experience of all policy or certificate forms of the same type, as defined at sub. (3) (zar), for purposes of calculating the amount of refund or premium credit, if any. Issuers may combine the Wisconsin experience of all policies issued prior to January 1, 1981, with those issued between December 31, 1980, and January 1, 1992, if the issuer uses the 60% loss ratio for individual policies and the 70% loss ratio for group certificates renewed prior to January 1, 1996, and the appropriate loss ratios specified in sub. (16) (d), thereafter.
Ins 3.39(31)(b)2. 2. For policies or certificates issued on or after January 1, 1992, and prior to June 1, 2010, issuers shall combine the Wisconsin experience of all policy or certificate forms of the same type, as defined at sub. (3) (zar), for the purposes of calculating the amount of the refund or premium credit, if any, if the issuer uses the 65% loss ratio for individual policies and the 75% loss ratio for group certificates renewed on or after January 1, 1996 and prior to June 1, 2010, and the appropriate loss ratios specified in sub. (16) (d).
Ins 3.39(31)(c) (c) A refund or credit shall be made only when the benchmark loss ratio exceeds the adjusted experience loss ratio and the amount to be refunded or credited exceeds $5.00. Such refund shall include interest from the end of the calendar year to the date of the refund or credit at a rate specified by the secretary of health and human services, but in no event shall it be less than the average rate of interest for 13-week U.S. treasury notes. A refund or credit against premiums due shall be made by September 30 following the experience year upon which the refund or credit is based.
Ins 3.39(32) (32) Public hearings. The commissioner may conduct a public hearing to gather information concerning a request by an issuer for an increase in a rate for a policy form or certificate form issued before or after the effective date of this section if the experience of the form for the previous reporting period is not in compliance with the applicable loss ratio standard. The determination of compliance is made without consideration of any refund or credit for such reporting period. Public notice of such hearing shall be furnished in a manner deemed appropriate by the commissioner.
Ins 3.39(34) (34) Guaranteed issue for eligible persons.
Ins 3.39(34)(a) (a) Guaranteed issue.
Ins 3.39(34)(a)1.1. Persons eligible for guarantee issue are those individuals described in par. (b) who seek to enroll under the policy during the period specified in par. (c), and who submit evidence of the date of termination or disenrollment with the application for a Medicare supplement policy, Medicare select policy or Medicare cost policy, and where applicable, evidence of enrollment in Medicare Part D.
Ins 3.39(34)(a)2. 2. With respect to an eligible person, an issuer may not deny or condition the issuance or effectiveness of a Medicare supplement policy, Medicare select policy, or Medicare cost policy described in par. (e) that is offered and is available for issuance to new enrollees by the issuer, and shall not discriminate in the pricing of such a Medicare supplement, Medicare select, or Medicare cost policy because of health status, claims experience, receipt of health care, or medical condition and shall not impose an exclusion of benefits based on a preexisting condition under such a Medicare supplement policy, Medicare select policy, or Medicare cost policy.
Ins 3.39(34)(b) (b) Eligible persons. An eligible person for guarantee issue is an individual described in any of the following subdivisions:
Ins 3.39(34)(b)1. 1. The individual is enrolled under an employee welfare benefit plan that provides health benefits that supplement the benefits under Medicare and the plan does any of the following:
Ins 3.39(34)(b)1.a. a. Terminates.
Ins 3.39(34)(b)1.b. b. Ceases to provide some or all such supplemental health benefits to the individual.
Ins 3.39(34)(b)1.c. c. The amount the individual pays for coverage under the plan increases from one 12-month period to the subsequent 12-month period by more than 25% and the new payment for the employer-sponsored coverage is greater than the premium charged under the Medicare supplement plan for which the individual is applying. An issuer may require reasonable documentation to substantiate the increase of the cost of coverage to the individual. Reasonable documentation that issuers may request includes premium billing statements and notices of premiums from employers for the most recent 12 month period.
Ins 3.39(34)(b)1m. 1m. The individual is enrolled under an employee welfare benefit plan that is primary to Medicare and the plan terminates or the plan ceases to provide some or all health benefits to the individual because the individual leaves the plan.
Ins 3.39(34)(b)1r. 1r. The individual is covered by an employee welfare benefit plan that is either primary to Medicare or provides health benefits that supplement the benefits of Medicare and the individual terminates coverage under the employee welfare benefit plan to enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan, but disenrolls from the Medicare Advantage plan by not later than 12 months after the effective date of enrollment.
Ins 3.39(34)(b)1s. 1s. The individual is enrolled in a Medicare select policy and is notified by the issuer, as required in par. (f) 3. and s. Ins 9.35, as applicable, that a hospital is leaving the Medicare select policy network and that there is no other network provider hospital within a 30 minute or 30 mile radius of the policyholder.
Ins 3.39(34)(b)2. 2. The individual is enrolled with a Medicare Advantage organization under a Medicare Advantage plan under part C of Medicare, and any of the following circumstances apply, or the individual is 65 years of age or older and is enrolled with a PACE provider, and there are circumstances similar to those described below that would permit discontinuance of the individual's enrollment with the PACE provider if the individual were enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan including any of the following:
Ins 3.39(34)(b)2.a. a. The certification of the organization or plan under Medicare Part C has been terminated; or
Ins 3.39(34)(b)2.b. b. The organization has terminated or otherwise discontinued providing the plan in the area in which the individual resides.
Ins 3.39(34)(b)2.c. c. The individual is no longer eligible to elect the plan because of a change in the individual's place of residence or other change in circumstances specified by the secretary, but not including termination of the individual's enrollment on the basis described in section 1851 (g) (3) (B) of the federal Social Security Act (where the individual has not paid premiums on a timely basis or has engaged in disruptive behavior as specified in standards under section 1856), or the plan is terminated for all individuals within a residence area.
Ins 3.39(34)(b)2.d. d. The individual demonstrates, in accordance with guidelines established by the secretary that, at least one of the following has occurred; the organization offering the plan substantially violated a material provision of the organization's contract under this part in relation to the individual, including the failure to provide an enrollee on a timely basis medically necessary care for which benefits are available under the plan or the failure to provide such covered care in accordance with applicable quality standards, or the organization, or agent or other entity acting on the organization's behalf, materially misrepresented the plan's provisions in marketing the plan to the individual.
Ins 3.39(34)(b)2.e. e. The individual meets such other exceptional conditions as the secretary may provide.
Ins 3.39(34)(b)3. 3. The individual is enrolled with any of the following:
Ins 3.39(34)(b)3.a. a. An eligible organization under a contract under Section 1876 of the Social Security Act (Medicare cost);
Ins 3.39(34)(b)3.b. b. A similar organization operating under demonstration project authority, effective for periods before April 1, 1999;
Ins 3.39(34)(b)3.c. c. An organization under an agreement under Section 1833(a)(1)(A) of the Social Security Act (health care prepayment plan); or
Ins 3.39(34)(b)3.d. d. An organization under a Medicare select policy; and
Ins 3.39(34)(b)3m. 3m. The enrollment ceases under the same circumstances that would permit discontinuance of an individual's election of coverage under subd. 2.
Ins 3.39(34)(b)4. 4. The individual is enrolled under a Medicare supplement policy and the enrollment ceases because:
Ins 3.39(34)(b)4.a. a. Of the insolvency of the issuer or bankruptcy of the nonissuer organization or of other involuntary termination of coverage or enrollment under the policy;
Ins 3.39(34)(b)4.b. b. The issuer of the policy substantially violated a material provision of the policy; or
Ins 3.39(34)(b)4.c. c. The issuer, or an agent or other entity acting on the issuer's behalf, materially misrepresented the policy's provisions in marketing the policy to the individual;
Ins 3.39(34)(b)5.a.a. The individual was enrolled under a Medicare supplement policy and terminates enrollment and subsequently enrolls, for the first time, with any Medicare Advantage organization under a Medicare Advantage plan under Medicare Part C, any eligible organization under a contract under section 1876 of the Social Security Act, Medicare cost, any similar organization operating demonstration project authority, any PACE provider under section 1894 of the Social Security Act, or a Medicare select policy; and
Ins 3.39(34)(b)5.b. b. The subsequent enrollment under subd. 5. a. is terminated by the enrollee during any period within the first 12 months of such subsequent enrollment (during which the enrollee is permitted to terminate such subsequent enrollment under section 1851(e) of the federal Social Security Act); or
Ins 3.39(34)(b)6. 6. The individual, upon first becoming eligible for benefits under Medicare Parts A and B at age 65, enrolls in a Medicare Advantage plan under Medicare Part C, or with a PACE provider under section 1894 of the Social Security Act, and disenrolls from the plan or program by not later than 12 months after the effective date of enrollment.
Ins 3.39(34)(b)7. 7. The individual enrolls in a Medicare Part D plan during the initial enrollment period and, at the time of enrollment in Medicare Part D, was enrolled under a Medicare supplement, Medicare replacement, Medicare cost or Medicare select policy that covered outpatient prescription drugs and the individual terminates enrollment in the Medicare supplement, Medicare replacement Medicare cost or Medicare select policy and submits evidence of enrollment in Medicare Part D along with the application for a policy described in par. (e) 4.
Ins 3.39(34)(b)8. 8. The individual is eligible for benefits under Medicare Parts A and B and is covered under the medical assistance program and subsequently loses eligibility in the medical assistance program.
Ins 3.39(34)(c) (c) Guaranteed issue time periods.
Ins 3.39(34)(c)1.1. In the case of an individual described in par. (b) 1., 1m., or 1s., the guaranteed issue period begins on the later of the following dates:
Ins 3.39(34)(c)1.a. a. The date the individual receives a notice of termination or cessation of some or all supplemental health benefits, or, if a notice is not received, notice that a claim has been denied because of a termination or cessation, and ends 63 days after the date the applicable coverage is terminated.
Ins 3.39(34)(c)1.b. b. The date the individual receives notice that a claim has been denied because of such a termination or cessation, if the individual did not receive notice of the plan's termination or cessation, and ends 63 days after the date of notice of the claim denial.
Ins 3.39(34)(c)2. 2. In the case of an individual described in par. (b) 2., 3., 5., 6. or 8., whose enrollment is terminated involuntarily, the guaranteed issue period begins on the date that the individual receives a notice of termination and ends on the date that is 63 days after the date the applicable coverage is terminated.
Ins 3.39(34)(c)3. 3. In the case of an individual described in par. (b) 4. a., the guaranteed issue period begins on the earlier of either: the date that the individual receives a notice of termination, a notice of the issuer's bankruptcy or insolvency, or other such similar notice, if any; or the date that the applicable coverage is terminated. The guaranteed issue period ends on the date that is 63 days after the date such coverage is terminated.
Ins 3.39(34)(c)4. 4. In the case of an individual described in par. (b) 1r., 2., 4. b. or c., 5., or 6. who disenrolls voluntarily, the guaranteed issue period begins on the date that is 60 days before the effective date of the disenrollment and ends on the date that is 63 days after the effective date.
Ins 3.39(34)(c)5. 5. In the case of an individual described in par. (b) 7., the guaranteed issue period begins on the date the individual receives notice pursuant to Section 1882 (v) (2) (B) of the Social Security Act from the Medicare supplement issuer during the 60-day period immediately preceding the initial Medicare Part D enrollment period and ends on the date that is 63 days after the effective date of the individual's coverage under Medicare Part D.
Ins 3.39(34)(c)6. 6. In the case of an individual described in par. (b) but not described in the preceding provisions of this paragraph, the guaranteed issue period begins on the effective date of disenrollment and ends on the date that is 63 days after the effective date.
Ins 3.39(34)(d) (d) Extended Medigap access for interrupted trial periods.
Ins 3.39(34)(d)1.1. In the case of an individual described in par. (b) 5., or deemed to be so described pursuant to this subdivision, whose enrollment with an organization or provider described in par. (b) 5. a. is involuntarily terminated within the first 12 months of enrollment, and who, without an intervening enrollment, enrolls with another such organization or provider, the subsequent enrollment shall be deemed to be an initial enrollment described in par. (b) 5.
Ins 3.39(34)(d)2. 2. In the case of an individual described in par. (b) 6., or deemed to be so described pursuant to this paragraph, whose enrollment with a plan or in a program described in par. (b) 6. is involuntarily terminated within the first 12 months of enrollment, and who, without an intervening enrollment, enrolls in another such plan or program, the subsequent enrollment shall be deemed to be an initial enrollment described in par. (b) 6.
Ins 3.39(34)(d)3. 3. For purposes of par. (b) 5. and 6., no enrollment of an individual with an organization or provider described in par. (b) 5. a., or with a plan or in a program described in par. (b) 6., may be deemed to be an initial enrollment under this paragraph after the 2-year period beginning on the date on which the individual first enrolled with such an organization, provider, plan or program.
Ins 3.39(34)(e) (e) Products to which eligible persons are entitled prior to June 1, 2010. The Medicare supplement or Medicare cost policy to which eligible persons are entitled under:
Ins 3.39(34)(e)1. 1. Paragraph (b) 1., 1m., 1r., 2., 3., and 4. is a Medicare supplement policy as defined in sub. (5) along with any riders available or a Medicare select policy as defined in sub. (30). except the Outpatient Prescription Drug Rider defined in sub. (5) (i) 7.
Ins 3.39(34)(e)2. 2. Paragraph (b) 5. is the same Medicare supplement policy in which the individual was most recently previously enrolled, if available from the same issuer, or, if not so available, a policy as described in subd. 1.
Ins 3.39(34)(e)3. 3. Paragraph (b) 6. and 8. is a Medicare supplement policy as described in sub. (5) along with any riders available or a Medicare select policy as defined in sub. (30).
Ins 3.39(34)(e)4. 4. Paragraph (b) 7. is a Medicare supplement policy as described in sub. (5) with any riders available or a Medicare select policy as described in sub. (30), that is offered and is available for issuance to new enrollees by the same issuer that issued the individual's Medicare supplement policy or Medicare select policy containing the outpatient prescription drug coverage.
Ins 3.39(34)(e)5. 5. Paragraph (b) 3. is a Medicare cost policy as described in sub. (7) with any enhancements and riders, that is offered and is available for issuance to new enrollees by the same issuer that issued the individual's Medicare cost policy.
Ins 3.39(34)(e)6. 6. The Outpatient Prescription Drug Rider referenced in sub. (5) (i) 7. may only be issued through December 31, 2005.
Ins 3.39(34)(em) (em) Products that persons eligible for guarantee issue on or after June 1, 2010, and prior to January 1, 2020, are entitled to enroll into. The Medicare supplement policy or certificate, Medicare select policy or certificate, or Medicare cost policy that the guarantee issue eligible persons are entitled to enroll include any of the following:
Ins 3.39(34)(em)1. 1. Paragraph (b) 1., 1m., 1r., 1s., 2., 3. and 4. is a Medicare supplement policy or certificate as described in sub. (5m) with any riders available or a Medicare select policy or certificate as described in sub. (30m).
Ins 3.39(34)(em)2. 2. Paragraph (b) 5. is the same Medicare supplement policy or certificate in which the individual was most recently enrolled, if available from the same issuer, or, if not so available, a policy or certificate as described in subd. 1.
Ins 3.39(34)(em)3. 3. Paragraph (b) 6. and 8. is a Medicare supplement policy or certificate as described in sub. (5m) with any riders available or a Medicare select policy or certificate as defined in sub. (30m).
Ins 3.39(34)(em)4. 4. Paragraph (b) 7. is a Medicare supplement policy or certificate as described in sub. (5m) with any riders available or a Medicare select policy or certificate as described in sub. (30m), that is offered and is available for issuance to new enrollees by the same issuer that issued the individual's Medicare supplement policy or certificate.
Ins 3.39(34)(et) (et) Products that persons eligible for guarantee issue are entitled to enroll into who first became eligible for Medicare on or after January 1, 2020. The Medicare supplement policy or certificate, Medicare select policy or certificate, or Medicare cost policy that persons are entitled to enroll on the basis of guarantee issue includes any of the following:
Ins 3.39(34)(et)1. 1. Paragraph (b) 1., 1m., 1r., 1s., 2., 3. and 4. is a Medicare supplement policy or certificate as described in sub. (5t) with any riders available or a Medicare select policy or certificate as described in sub. (30t).
Ins 3.39(34)(et)2. 2. Paragraph (b) 5. is the same Medicare supplement policy or certificate in which the individual was most recently enrolled, if available from the same issuer, or, if not so available, a policy or certificate as described in subd. 1.
Ins 3.39(34)(et)3. 3. Paragraph (b) 6. and 8. is a Medicare supplement policy or certificate as described in sub. (5t) with any riders available or a Medicare select policy or certificate as described in sub. (30t).
Ins 3.39(34)(et)4. 4. Paragraph (b) 7. is a Medicare supplement policy or certificate as described in sub. (5t) with any riders available or a Medicare select policy or certificate as described in sub. (30t), that is offered and is available for issuance to new enrollees by the same issuer that issued the individual's Medicare supplement policy or certificate.
Ins 3.39(34)(f) (f) Notification provisions.
Ins 3.39(34)(f)1.1. At the time of an event described in par. (b) because of which an individual loses coverage or benefits due to the termination of a contract or agreement, policy, or plan, the organization that terminates the contract or agreement, the issuer terminating the policy, or the administrator of the plan being terminated, respectively, shall notify the individual of his or her rights under this section, and of the obligations of issuers of Medicare supplement policies and certificates, Medicare select policies or certificates, or Medicare cost policies under par. (a). The notice shall be communicated within 10 working days of the issuer receiving notification of disenrollment.
Ins 3.39(34)(f)2. 2. At the time of an event described in par. (b) of this section because of which an individual ceases enrollment under a contract or agreement, policy, or plan, the organization that offers the contract or agreement, regardless of the basis for the cessation of enrollment, the (30) (k) the policy, or the administrator of the plan, respectively, shall notify the individual of his or her rights under this section, and of the obligations of issuers of Medicare supplement policies or certificates, Medicare select policies or certificates or Medicare cost polices under par. (a). The notice shall be communicated within 10 working days of the issuer receiving notification of disenrollment.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.